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POV: You're in a neurodivergent partnership TRYING to have a conversation, but then this happens...
Does this sound familiar?: The topic keeps changing or getting interrupted Your partner keeps walking out of the room while you're...

The 3 non-negotiables for a strong marriage
After my partner and I realized we NEEDED to figure our 💩 out or lose our marriage, we came up with some non-negotiables. We found these...

Partners who are burned out carrying the mental load, listen up!
If you live a good deal of your partnership in resentment and irritation, feeling powerless to change it, maybe it's time to embrace what...

Five agreements between my partner and I that has kept our relationship strong for 18 years and counting
There is a ton of science behind why some relationships thrive while others fall apart. But when it comes down to it, we don't need to...

If you're doing this (common) thing, you're sabotaging your relationship. Here's what to do instead
When you argue, are you arguing to understand? To work it out? Or, like most of us, are you arguing to WIN? Here's a hard truth: If one...

Are you ready? Because asking what you SHOULD do is not the question to get the relationship you want...
The world is constantly asking us to question: "What SHOULD I do?" Should I clean the house? Play with my kid? Tell my partner how I...

Weird Question for you: Do you know your CNB about your partner? Here's why it's important that you do...
Have you ever wondered HOW you end up in the same conflict, regardless of the topic of conversation? We all have CORE NEGATIVE BELIEFS....

A healthy relationship starts in your own head, so here's an exercise you can do RIGHT NOW
If you got notification of this blog post, it's because you signed up for real, actual tips and tools to take your relationship to the...

I used to be annoyed ALL the time.
Every little thing he did would set me off. Until I realized this: It wasn't anger. Yes, I felt annoyed, yes it came out of my mouth as...

The shortest story (that changes everything)
One day Ernest Hemingway was having lunch with friends and they were talking about the importance of writing with brevity. Hemingway bet...

Does your partner ever hear your needs as criticism?
It feels really shitty to share a feeling, need or concern with our partner only to have them snap at us defensively because they feel...

Let's Talk about the Patriarchy in our Relationships
Unpopular opinion on gender incoming: I saw this sweet little reel the other day where a woman, who had been sick for a few days, was...

Men's life satisfaction increases but women's decreases after marriage. Here's how to fix it...
Did you know men's life satisfaction tends to increase after marriage whereas women's tends to decrease? This has to do with this magical...

The Love Languages Aren't Real...
I saw a tiktok recently where a woman cheekily shared that she needs ALL the love languages. It was stated in a way to imply she's "high...

ADHD in Relationships, and two things to try
I have had SO MANY people reach out asking about how to manage ADHD and other neurodivergence in a relationship. And it makes sense! Did...

The skill that changes couples lives when they learn it
Have you heard the term "radical responsibility?" If you're following me on Facebook or Instagram, you probably have, but I know this is...

Do you ever find yourself fighting about the same things over and over again?
Do you ever find yourself fighting about the same things over and over again? If you're not loving each other DURING a fight, it won't stop

The secret of a connected couple
Today I want to take a moment to talk about intention in our daily lives. Happiness is a goal so many people come into therapy seeking....

Generocity is good for your heart. Literally.
Did you know that being generous to your partner, meaning you give them MORE grace, MORE forgiveness, and assume the best of them even...

Memory Lane Says Something About Your Whether You Will Stay Together Or Not
Research shows that the happiest couples recall pleasant earlier memories from their partnership. These memories can serve as an anchor...
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